Release date:2019/10/09
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Kid's Corner is a social enterprise under Caritas Macau. It was established in March 2018. It mainly sells its brand of “Play with kids”, a series of toys including parent-child, enlightenment and children’s growth. The products are designed and manufactured by the disabled Designed and created by occupational therapists, teachers, social workers, graphic designers and sewists, some products have added local creative elements to enhance children ’s learning fun. In addition to selling products, rental services will be added. Two disabled people are in charge of management and sales.


The aim is to expand employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

Service contents

  • Provide designated product rental services

  • The product focuses on training children’s cognition, hand-eye coordination, muscle size, space concept, logical thinking and language expression.

Service Target

Children 8 years and under

Office Hours

Monday, Wednesday to Sunday

10:00 to 19:00

(Closed on Tuesdays and Mandatory Holidays)

Contact Us

Shop 21 Tamagnini Barbosa, Bloco A, Avenida (Av.) de Artur Tamagnini Barbosa

Tel.: 2848 2750

WhatsApp: +852 66420829

Facebook: Kids Corner

WeChat: 6642 0829



Assistive tools
Assistive tools