Escola Caritas de Macau (“Caritas de Macau School”)

Release date:2019/07/30
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School profile

In 1985, Caritas de Macau started a class for children with special educational needs at São Luis Gonzaga Center (now known as “Lar São Luis Gonzaga”). Since then, Caritas de Macau directly participated in educational services for children.  At the beginning, the children with medium intellectual impairment from the Center attended the class together with twelve others with special educational needs from the outside. One social worker and one teacher voluntarily taught the children.  Later on, the number of students gradually increased. In the following year, according to the age of the students, they were allocated into six classes and they were transferred to Saint John de Brito Vocational Training School, São Luis Gonzaga Center and Santa Maria Elderly Home (now known as “Asilo de Santa Maria”) jointly known as “Escola Caritas de Macau São João de Brito”. At the end of the same year, Bishop Arquiminio Rodrigues da Costa lent the site at Rua de Pedro Coutinho, No. 118 to the School. After renovation, six classes were relocated to the new premises.  The School was then renamed “Escola Caritas de Macau”. Subsequently, the School was relocated to Coloane in 1996, and in August 2014, it was relocated to NAPE. Benefiting from Macau’s government “Blue Sky Program”, the School was relocated to Jardins de Lisboa, Edificio Lei Keng Toi, Taipa.


Objective of the School

The objective of the School is to promote the virtue of love, provide education to students with special educational needs or students with intellect impairment so that they can look after themselves, teach them self-confidence and self-reliance, and can integrate into society when they become older.


Educational characteristics

Provide education to students with special educational needs, use thematic teaching with e-learning to inspire their potential, and at the same assist parents to accept their children with intellectual impairment and provide them with proper formation.

Part 1: Self-care – social, social adaption, living skills, practical skills training;

Part 2: Technical learning – including daily language, daily mathematics, music, arts, sports and general knowledge.


Admission qualifications

Residents of Macau;

Age from 3 to 21 years old;

Students with special educational needs, mild or moderate intellectual impairment, slow learning, physical disability or autism


Registration procedures

Register at our School from March to June each year;

Copies of identification card of the guardian and their children;

Assessment or medical records.


Admission procedures

Students are referred to the School through the Psychological Counselling and Special Education Center of the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau. The school principal and related personnel shall interview the students. After approval by the School, arrangements shall be made for the students to be admitted into the School.



The School has joined the free education network. Students do not need to pay any tuition and miscellaneous fees. Based on actual circumstances, parents shall pay for optional services, such as, book fees.


Office hours

Monday to Friday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Contact us

Rua Cidade de Lisboa No.387, Jardins de Lisboa, Edifício Lei Keng Toi,

Taipa. Map Location

Telephone: 2888 0034, 2888 0035

Fax: 2888 2205

E mail:


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