一周愛心行動 A week to Share your Love with the Needy

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衷心感謝一位明愛善長寄給澳門明愛的十元信函,信上寫*Due to a lot people poor. Thx. Best regards.Lee我看郵戳,見是郵局重啟服務的日子,他/她應等待了多天才能寄出此信。在疫情期間,我們的籌款活動基本上都難以透過活動形式進行。善長的支持有助在最迫切關頭協助到有需要的人士。


如閣下有意捐贈,歡迎於周一至周六,上午八時至晚上八時,星期日上午十時至晚上八時,送到高地烏街118號(庇道學校入口), 或致電澳門明愛28573297 安排工作人員接受捐贈。捐贈不論多少,集腋成裘,均能發揮關懷他人的意義,讓社會充滿愛。祝各位身體健康!生活愉快。

A week to Share your Love with the Needy

We were deeply moved when we received a letter in the mail from a special benefactor. It was sent on the first day when the post office resumed duty (25/07) after the "relative static period". The benefactor wrote "Due to a lot people poor. Thx. Best regards. Lee", and enclosed a ten dollar bill in it. 

It was indeed difficult, if not impossible, for Caritas Macau to organize fund-raising activities since the COVID-19 pandemic in January 2020. However, charity work must go on, the needy is always and forever our first priority.  We are now organizing a food gathering  activity to help the needy in this time of emergency needs. 

It would be deeply appreciated if you can share with us some food, regardless of the amount.  You can either bring the food to Rua de  Pedro  Coutinho 118 (entrance of Saint John de Brito School) , or call us at 28573297 for special  arrangement. We are open on  Sunday: 10:00-20:00

Monday - Saturday: 8:00- 20:00

Thank you for your generosity for sharing with the needy your love and food. We are deeply grateful!

