Centro de Protecção Ambiental “Precioso Tesouro”

Release date:2019/10/08
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“Precioso Tesouro” was founded in 2018 by Caritas Macau. Our purpose is to let Macau citizens have a better understanding on environmental policies and enhance their environmental awareness. We focus on educating and promoting environmental protection, especially on activities and information about reducing, recycling and reusing. We hope everyone in society can be involved in environmental protection work.


Caritas Macau, commissioned by Direcção dos Serviços de Protecção Ambiental, will set up the “Centro Ambiental Alegria” at Seac Pai Van and at Ilha Verde at the end of 2018 and in mid-2019 respectively. These centers are set up for promoting environmental protection, recycling and community training activities.


Centro Ambiental Alegria (Ilha Verde)

Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday 10:00-13:00; 14:00-19:00

Address: Estrada Nova de Ilha Verde, Habitação Social da Ilha Verde , Edifício Cheng Nga RC A

Tel.: 2856 2701

Fax: 2896 8672

Email: ilhaverde.caa@gmail.com


Centro Ambiental Alegria (Seac Pai Van)

Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday 10:00-13:00; 14:00-19:00

Add.: Avenida da Harmonia, Edificio Ip Heng, Bloco 3 Loja C, Seac Pai Van, Coloane

Tel.: 2853 2902 

Fax: 2827 0545

Email: spv.caa@gmail.com


In order to build a network of inclusiveness, we hire people with disabilities to take part in the work of the Centro, so to provide a platform for people with disabilities to participate in environmental protection.



We are committed to promoting the message of cherishing resources and caring for the environment. We actively disseminate the importance of environmental protection through community activities and education. Gradually enhance public awareness of environmental protection and cultivate their good living habits and methods. 


Service Content

In a diversified manner, we promote environmental protection, recycling, event promotion, community training etc., especially to the residents in Seac Pai Van public houses, Ilha Verde, Toi San and Fai Chi Kei, including static exhibitions and workshops, film sharing, lectures, experience activities, etc.


Service Target

Macau citizens


Service Hours

Tuesday to Sunday

10:00a.m. – 1:00p.m., 2:00p.m. – 7:00p.m.

(Closed on Monday and public holidays)


Contact Us

Largo de Sto. Agostinho, No.1-A, Macau





Assistive tools
Assistive tools