Asilo de Betânia

Release date:2019/10/08
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      Asilo de Betânia was founded in the 1960s by Father Luis Ruiz Suárez of CaritasMacao. The target was old age, helpless old people who were generally no family to take care of. Due to the increasing number of residents, the site was rebuilt in the late 1970s to serve more elderly people.



        Our center aims to provide accommodation, health care, personal care and rehabilitation services for male, so that they can live in a safe and comfortable environment. We also develop their potential through counselling, group work, social and recreational activities, participating in group life and integrating into society, so as to help them get proper physical and mental care, and live a happy and full old age.


Service Content

  • Living care

We provide 24-hours accommodation services, and arrange nutrient-rich three meals.Personal care services are also provided for the needs of members such as afternoon tea, going to the toilet and feeding. Laundry and dry-cleaning services are also available for all the members.

  • Nursing service

24-hours nursing nursing services are provided by nurses and personal care workers, such as measuring blood pressure regularly, arranging injections as needed, washing wounds, visiting doctors and medical care etc. Also, doctors will visit every week and provide members in need with medical consultation.

  •  Rehabilitation service

Registered therapists will access the physical condition of members, design suitable rehabilitation exercises and arrange treatment for them. Meanwhile, physiotherapist assistants will help members to perform simple rehabilitation exercises to ensure they have a comprehensive physical and mental development.

  •  Counselling service

We provide personal and group counselling to help members adapt to living in our center. We also help to solve their mental or emotional problems so as to improve interpersonal relationships, and establish a positive attitude towards life.

  •  Pastoral care service

Religious meetings are held regularly by clergies or fellow believers for the needs of members.

  •  Social and recreational activities

Various group activities, interest classes, tours, visits, birthday parties, festival celebrations and other activities are regularly held to make members feel comfortable, and keep in touch with the society.

  • Transportation service

Rehabus is provided to take members who are in need to the hospital for follow-up consultations and outings.


Service Target

  • Macau male residents aged 65 or above;

  • No infectious diseases;

  • Lack of relatives, friends or family members to provide them with the necessary care;

  • Adaptable to community life.



  •  Applicants have to be referred by the Social Welfare Bureau (IAS). Our center will conduct home visits and evaluations within two weeks after receiving the referral. Qualified applicants will be arranged for a physical examination. They will be assigned to move to our center within one week after passing the examination.

Service Fees

MOP 4500 per month.


Service Hours

Monday to Saturday  0900-1230, 1400 – 1800


Contact Us

Add:Avenida do Conselheiro Borja Map location

Tel:2823 4379

Fax:2823 4677


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