Centro de Cuidados Especiais Longevidade

Release date:2019/10/08
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         Centro de Cuidados Especiais Longevidade (“Longevity Home Care and Support Service) was established on November 18, 1998. We provide a wide range of assistance and support to the elderly in Macao through comprehensive services, enabling them to achieve continuous satisfaction and improvement in rehabilitation, personal care and daily living. We organize different types of health promotion activities and cognitive training to improve their physical, cognitive, sickness prevention abilities, in order to prevent dementia, maintain existing abilities and delay ageing process. Moreover, the centre also promotes continuous learning, encourages active participation and promotes volunteer work among the elderly. Meanwhile, we also provide support services to care givers in the hope of enhancing and improving their ability to care for the elderly, ease the tension arising from caring and achieve family harmony so that they can continue to live happily in their homes and communities.



         We assist the elderly with meeting their living needs and improving their quality of life through providing comprehensive day care and community support services. Our centre particularly provides day care services and residential care support for the frail elderly and encourages them to actively participate in the activities and delay their ageing process so that they can continue to enjoy their twilight years.


Service Content 

1.      Day Care Services 

  Daily care services: meals, personal care, rehabilitation exercise, daily care services.

  Physiotherapy and rehabilitation services: basic physiotherapy, special physiotherapy, medication management, rehabilitation therapy.

 Non-medical therapy and cognitive stimulation activities: cognitive and functional assessment, reality-oriented, nostalgia treatment, etc.

  Psychological social services: health education, case work, group work, leisure and cultural activities etc.

  Care givers support services: regular home visits, family and mutual assistance activities, training to care givers etc.

  Other services: pick-up services, emergency escort services etc.


2.      Residential Care and Support Services

  Residential care services: meal delivery, home cleaning, personal care (bathing, nail care, feeding, personal hygiene etc), laundry, escorting for medical treatment, assisting in shopping/handling other matters etc.

  Health care services: monitor vitals indicators, measure body weight, blood sugar test, ostomy care, simple wound care, health and hygiene education etc.

  Health care exercise: provide health care services, home cognitive games training etc.

  Special care services: enterostomy care, urine catheter care, pressure sore care, chronic pain treatment etc.

  Medication management:  assists service targets to take medicine, give guidance on how to take medicine etc.

  Rehabilitation treatment: provides home rehabilitation treatment, guidance, home safety assessment, dementia assessment and training etc.

 Psychological and social support services: case counseling, mutual network and community activities, home visits/telephone greetings etc.

  Others: care givers support service, stairs-assistance services (cannot select one)


3.      Elderly Community Services

   Support services: provide canteen catering and cut hair services etc.

   Leisure activities: newspaper reading, physical and mental games, fitness equipment for use

   Health education: health seminars, physical exercise, health checks and counseling etc.

   Community activities: community networking, community education and social participation etc.

   Group work: recreational, interests, education, culture, society and volunteer services’ group work.

   Case work: provide consultation, referral and counseling services

   Special types: all kinds of festive celebration, birthday party and excursions etc.


4.      Care Givers Support Services

   Resources borrowing services: borrow fitness equipments and books about caring for the elderly

   Knowledge about caring and skills training:  organizes seminars on knowledge about different types of sickness, practical caring skills training etc.

   Mutual assistance group: organize different types of groups relating to sickness or emotional support, leisure activities etc.

  Professional support: health care exercise counseling and guidance, home environment safety assessment and recommendations etc.

  Case work: consultation, referral and counseling service etc.

  Community resources introduction: provide community resources and networking information.

  Service referral: Based on the needs of the service targets, refer them to suitable service units.


Service Target

1.      Day Care Services:

·  Holder of Macao Resident Identity Card aged 55 or above

·  Applicant is required to be assessed by Social Welfare Bureau and confirmed to be suffering from dementia or cognitive impairment. 

·  Applicant is not suffering from serious mental illness, acute contagious disease or exhibiting violent behavior (1).

·  Applicant is not long-term bedridden.


1 refers to using physical or other materials to exhibit violent behavior, and those suffering from mental illness or contagious disease are required to submit a medical report to prove that the illness was appropriately treated and effectively controlled in order to be considered for admission.


2.    Residential Care and Support Services:

·  Holder of Macao Resident Identity Card and residing in Taipa Island or Coloane (North of Estr. Flor de Lotus)

·  People with weak self-care ability or with health problem, need assistance in daily living activities but lack family members to take care or support them.

·  People with weak social networks, elderly/elderly couple living alone and lack community support.


*Low income people (means recipients of social assistance from the Social Welfare Bureau) will be given priority.

*Those who are suffering from contagious disease or mental illness are required to submit medical report to prove that the sickness was appropriately treated and effectively controlled in order that they can be considered for admission.



3.      Elderly Community Service

·  Holder of Macao Resident Identity Card and living in Taipa Island or Coloane

·  Aged 60 or above (if the applicant has not reached 60, the application shall be handled with discretion)


4.      Care Givers Support Service

             Family members, relatives, domestic helpers, neighhours of the frail elderly or elderly suffering from sickness, volunteers or anyone interested in learning about caring for them. 



1.      Day Care Services

·   Those who comply with the above-mentioned requirements or their family member can visit the centre or other assisting social units to enquire, collect and complete the form of “Formulário para o Pedido de Serviço de Encaminhamento para os cuidados a longo prazo”.

·   Please return the completed form together with a copy of Identity Card and address proof to the above mentioned social units.

·   The centre or the above-mentioned social units shall forward the application form to the Social Welfare Bureau for central assessment.

·   The Social Welfare Bureau shall arrange home visits to make assessment and make central referral or putting the applicant in waiting list which will be notified by the Bureau.


2.      Residential Care and Support Services

·  Apply by oneself- Applicant or his/her family member can write, email, fax or visit the centre to collect and complete the “Residential Care and Support Service Application Form”.

·  By referral:  Application form completed by the social service organization or government department.

·  Complete the application form or referral form, and together with the following documents, submit to the centre by email, fax or in person:

§  Copy of applicant’s identity card

§  Recent photo of applicant with dimension 1.5 inches x 1.5 inches (can be submitted later)

§  Copy of Medical Card issued by the Health Bureau.

§  Copy of financial assistance card (applicable to recipients for social assistance)

§  Home visit shall be arranged for the applicant to make assessment and the result shall be notified as soon as possible.

§  Sign the “Residential Care and Support Service Agreement” provided by the centre wherein the scope of the services provided are stated.


3.      Elderly Community Services:

               All applicants shall be invited to attend routine activities in order to know the environment and understand the service.  Those who have voluntarily attended four times or above can take the following procedures:

·   Complete the application form provided by the centre.

·   Submit the completed application form to the centre together with the copy of the Identity Card and Medical Card, and two photos (1.5 inches x 1.5 inches)


4.      Care Givers Support Service

              Those who are interested can call, email or visit us to enquire or register to join interest groups, seminars, leisure activities etc.


Service Fees

      Service fees vary according to the services.  Please call us or visit our centre for details.


Office hours

       Monday to Saturday: 08:30 – 18:00

(The Day Care Centre is opened until 18:30)

Closed on Sundays & Public Holidays


Contact Us

Address: Rua de Braganca, Jardins da Nova Taipa, Bloco 28, Edf. “Crisantemo”; R/C e Sobreloja, Taipa, Macau

Tel: 2884 2577 / 2884 2578

Fax: 2884 2579

Email: ccel@macau.ctm.net

Website: http://www.ccel.org.mo/



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